Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Cover Reveal - The Immortal Gene Trilogy - Soulless by Jacinta Maree

Title: Soulless: The Immortal Gene, Book 1
Author: Jacinta Maree
Genre: Dystopian / Supernatural New Adult
Hosted by: Lady Amber's Tours

Welcome to Soulless.
We are the generation that laughs at death.

Reincarnation; what was once considered a gift of immortality has become an eternity of nightmares.

Nadia Richards lives in a world plagued by reincarnation, a system of recycling souls where all past memories, personalities and traumatic events are relived daily in disjointed sequences. Trapped within their own warped realities, not even the richest and most powerful are saved from their own minds unraveling. Madness is the new human nature, and civilizations are crumpling beneath themselves trying to outrun it. 

Within a society that ignores death, Nadia appears to be the one exception to the reincarnation trap. Born without any reincarnated memories and with printless eyes, the hot tempered 19 year old quickly becomes the ultimate prize to all those wishing to end the vicious cycle, or for some, to ensure they could evade death forever.

Author Bio:
Born in Melbourne Australia, Jacinta Maree considers herself a chocoholic with an obsession with dragons, video gaming and Japan. She writes a variety of genres including YA paranormal, steampunk, horror, new adult, dystopian and fantasy. Winner of 2014 Horror of the year and bestselling author, Jacinta writes to bring enjoyment to others while fulfilling her own need to explore the weird and the impossible.

Buy Links: Pre-Order -

The world had turned to waste; immortality was never meant for man and it drove humanity to the edge of destruction. There had been plenty of stories about how the human race would end. Unlike the movies from Hollywood, there was no big bang like a sun exploding; there was no catastrophic moment where our world was flipped upside down like in a nuclear war or zombie virus outbreak. It was gradual, like a seeping virus that withered everything within its path until it ground us down into brittle, hollowed cores. It wasn’t out to destroy our bodies; it destroyed everything we once treasured. Hope, love, compassion, joy… even our mortality. It was all gone. And now it mocked us with a peace we could never achieve, death.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Deep Pre-Release Blitz

Excerpt #2
“Where have you been?” My sister rushed forward, catching me up in a tight hug. “I’ve been trying to call you all day. We checked everywhere and couldn’t find you.”
“Sorry. I just needed some alone time.” I squeezed her back, unable to stop from smiling. The thought of Anne turning her back on me had scared me more than I liked to admit.
“Well, I get you might want that.” She stepped back. “But you could have told someone.”
“You can’t just disappear like that.” And Ben kept right on frowning. “Shit, Liz, you’re pregnant.”
“Don’t upset her,” snapped Anne.
Ben ignored her. “I don’t know what the hell’s going on in your head. But you need to let me know where you are.”
My eyebrows went up and my mouth opened, ready to rip him a new one.
“She doesn’t answer to you. She’ll let you know if and when she decides to let you know,” said Mal, laying down the law to his bandmate before turning my way. “You will text your sister next time you decide to go wandering for a day, understood?”
My mouth, it still hung open.
“Christ, man.” Over and over, Ben’s hands rolled into tight fists before releasing again. “Can you cut the shit and get off my back for a fucking minute?”
“Don’t swear at him.” My usually sensible and staid sister poked a finger dead center in Ben’s broad chest. “You’re the one that caused this mess, thank you very much. She might still be a little young and naive, but you’re definitely old enough to know better.”
“That’s right.” Standing about as tall as a skyscraper, despite only coming up to Ben’s nose, Mal stared him down. Or up. Whatever. “This is a family matter. You can leave, thanks.”

Positive. With two little lines on a pregnancy test, everything in Lizzy Rollins' ordinary life is about to change forever. And all because of one big mistake in Vegas with Ben Nicholson, the irresistibly sexy bass player for Stage Dive. So what if Ben's the only man she's ever met who can make her feel completely safe, cherished, and out of control with desire at the same time? Lizzy knows the gorgeous rock star isn't looking for anything more permanent than a good time, no matter how much she wishes differently.

Ben knows Lizzy is off limits. Completely and utterly. She's his best friend's little sister now, and no matter how hot the chemistry is between them, no matter how sweet and sexy she is, he's not going to go there. But when Ben is forced to keep the one girl he's always had a weakness for out of trouble in Sin City, he quickly learns that what happens in Vegas, doesn't always stay there. Now he and Lizzie are connected in the deepest way possible...but will it lead to a connection of the heart?

 Meet Ben and Lizzy on March 31st!

Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1In7cek

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1N8QEb1

Barnes & Noble:  http://bit.ly/1CT657M

Monday, February 2, 2015

Review: Hunters and Creators by Jacinta Maree

Title: Hunters & Creators (My Demonic Ghost #3)
Age Group: Young Adult
Release Date: 17th November 2014
Publishers: Staccato

Rating: 5 stars

Available from: Amazon AU Amazon

Source: Own purchase

It’s been five years since the phenomenon that shook the world’s belief in the supernatural. It has become a worldwide obsession as crowds flock together in hopes of catching a glimpse of the spirits. That is most… except Rachael Hastings. 

Rachael, now at University, lives with a giant blank page in her memory from when she was fifteen years old. Plagued by nightmares of a green-eyed monster, Rachael tries to stay as far away from the paranormal as humanly possible. Despite her efforts, he stalks her through the shadows and appears in her dreams for reasons she can’t understand. 

Along with friends from school, Rachael returns to Whitehaven. During her stay she is caught up in the ongoing war between heaven and hell she had unknowingly escaped from years ago. 

Forced into the care of Gargoyle the Hunter, Rachael attempts to piece together her shattered memory. As emotions grow between them, a familiar green-eyed demon returns to her side, claiming that Rachael is his one true love. With the world falling apart around them, can Rachael remember who she loves and which side is right before it’s too late?

Hunters & Creators is the third and final book in Jacinta Maree's My Demonic Ghost series. Set five years after Banished Spirits, we are again introduced to Rachael, now a young woman studying at university. She has no recollection of what transpired five years ago, but she is plagued by nigthmares of a green eyed demon. Unfortunately she is once again drawn the world of banished spirits, reapers and hunters & creators. I loved being immersed in the brilliant world Maree has created. It is rich and full of life; her characters are so well rounded they leap off the pages. It is one of those books that feel like home. 

Rachael tries to stay away from everything paranormal, but the more she tries to stay out of it, the more she is pulled into their struggle. Rachael is far from a damsel in distress, and even though she is thrown into some incredible and intense situations she always manages to keep her head. I loved learning more about the Hunters and how they interact with the banished spirits and reapers. They're not as unaffected and aloof as they portray themselves to be. Rachael and the Hunter Gargoyle are thrown together and she tries to gather the pieces of memory. Rachael begins to realise she wants to help Gargoyle, and the more time she spends with him she can feel something grow between them. 

With the reappearance of Lock (Evan), things really start to get complicated for Rachael. She has to figure out who he is and what happened between them so long ago. Gargoyle and Lock aren't exactly best of friends and they each have their own agenda with Rachael. She is caught up between two sides and doesn't know who to trust. Lock has to be one of my most favourite characters ever, and to read about him again made my heart sing. As Rachael pieces her memory back together she begins to find out more and more about Lock's tragic story and how it intertwines with her own. As the conclusion draws near, everything starts to spin out of control and they're all thrown together in a battle for their survival. 

Maree has created a compelling, thrilling and captivating story. I was on the edge of my seat for most of the book and was so upset when it finished. It was such a fantasic ending to the series and I was so happy that Rachael and Evan got their happy ever after. If you're looking for a young adult series that is different from anything you've read, then give Jacinta Maree's My Demonic Ghost series a try.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Review: Dance of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin

Title: Dance of the Red Death (Masque of the Red Death #2)
Author: Bethany Griffin
Age Group: Young Adult
Release Date: 4th April 2013
Publishers: Indigo

Rating: 3.5 stars

Available from: The Book Depository Amazon AU

Source: Own purchase

In Dance of the Red Death, Araby’s world is in shambles—betrayal, death, disease, and evil forces surround her. She has no one to trust. But she finds herself and discovers that she will fight for the people she loves, and for her city.

Her revenge will take place at the menacing masked ball, though it could destroy her and everyone she loves…or it could turn her into a hero.

With a nod to Edgar Allan Poe, Bethany Griffin concludes her tragic and mysterious Red Death series with a heroine that young adult readers will never forget.

Dance of the Red Death is the conclusion to Bethany Griffins Masque of the Red Death duology. I really loved the first book, but reading book 2, I felt the atmosphere of this book was lacking and it was missing the spark that had made me love Masque. The first half of the book seemed to drag by, with not a lot happening. There is a new plague that is sweeping through the city called The Red Death. It kills quickly and has left much of the city and water supply contaminated. Everything points to Araby's father being the one to create it and Araby can't comprehend the father she loves could be the murderer everyone is branding him. The pace doesn't really pick up until the last 50 or so pages and is where it gets interesting. 

Araby has carried around a very haunted and depressed persona through book one and mostly through book 2. For the most part she is quite useless, but in the latter half of the book she does become more engaging and feels more alive. It takes her a while, but she does realise that she doesn't need anyone to save her and actually goes about doing things that need to be done. It was a nice change to see her taking action and thinking for herself; even though it wasn't always the smartest option.

I'm not a huge fan of love triangles, and really didn't enjoy the was the Elliot, Araby, Will triangle played out. I understand why, but Araby and Elliot together annoyed me. It felt like she was using him to wash away Will's betrayal, and even though Elliot had genuine feelings for her, they were taken over by the fact that he could use her to help his cause. He was more interested in her as the scientists daughter. It was almost like a tug-of-war between them. 

Elliot is the leader of the rebellion. He is trying to overthrow his uncle Prince Prospero, the tyrant who rules them. Elliot is a very charismatic character, but there is a dark side to him thanks to growing up under his Uncle's tutelage. He was the most driven out of all the characters, full of passion and ambition. He is incredibly smart and knows exaclty what he needs to do to save the city from his uncle. Even though I didn't like him and Araby together, I loved him as a character. He has the will to get things done.

For the most part, Will is just along for the ride and is trying to atone for his betrayal of Araby. He does what needs to be done and is willing to sacrifice himself if it will help. He's kind of pushed to the back during most of the book and I really missed his character. In book one he was cheeky and flirtatious, but he becomes quite withdrawn in book two. Most of what he does seems to be behind the scenes. 

Dance of the Red Death is full of drama, adventure, romance and death. Bethany Griffin has created a beautiful and haunting world. It's hard not to become immersed in the death and destruction she has created. If you're looking for a flawed heroine, Araby's story is definitely for you. I think it was a fitting end to their story.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Review: Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis

Title: Not a Drop to Drink
Author: Mindy McGinnis
Age Group: Young Adult
Release Date: 24th September 2013
Publishers: Katherine Tegen Books

Rating: 5 stars

Available from: The Book Depository Amazon AU

Source: Own purchase

Regret was for people with nothing to defend, people who had no water. 

Lynn knows every threat to her pond: drought, a snowless winter, coyotes, and, most importantly, people looking for a drink. She makes sure anyone who comes near the pond leaves thirsty, or doesn't leave at all.
Confident in her own abilities, Lynn has no use for the world beyond the nearby fields and forest. Having a life means dedicating it to survival, and the constant work of gathering wood and water. Having a pond requires the fortitude to protect it, something Mother taught her well during their quiet hours on the rooftop, rifles in hand.
But wisps of smoke on the horizon mean one thing: strangers. The mysterious footprints by the pond, nighttime threats, and gunshots make it all too clear Lynn has exactly what they want, and they won’t stop until they get it….
With evocative, spare language and incredible drama, danger, and romance, debut author Mindy McGinnis depicts one girl’s journey in a barren world not so different than our own.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a world where water was scarce? Mindy McGinnis has deftly explored a dystopic future in which the world is quickly running out of water. It's a bleak tale of survival and if you have water, then you must protect it at all costs. Our protagonist Lynn is guarding a pond against any who would try to take it from her and her mother. They shoot first and ask questions later. Theirs is a daily struggle, whether it's the laborious task of purifying the water or hunting a deer and trying to smoke the meat. The constant threat of coyotes, groups of looters and the harsh weather that can make or break their survival. Both women have learnt to endure the world around them and it has made them strong.

Lynn is one of those characters you can't help but love. She's tough and a little rough around the edges; having had to kill since she was a child. Her mother taught her her that compassion was a weakness, they had to stay strong and do whatever they could to protect their small water source. After a tragic accident, Lynn is left to guard the pond by herself. Things start to to get dangerous for Lynn; there is a group of men that want her pond and will do anything to take it. She also has to contend with strangers that need her help. This is where we begin to see more to Lynn's character. Her conscience makes her question a lot of what her mother taught her, and she struggles to find a balance between the skills her mother taught her and her fierce new protective instinct. She realises that having friends is not always a bad thing, they give her a sense of hope. I think this is when she really comes alive as a character. Her small group is a target and she'll do whatever it takes to keep them safe. 

If you're looking for a dark and gritty post-apocalyptic/dystopia that doesn't follow the usual trope, then grab a copy of Not a Drop to Drink. It is a story about survival, love, friendship and loss, and will leave you questioning how possible the waterless future Mindy McGinnis has created really is. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My Demonic Ghost blog tour - Interview & Giveaway

Book Info-
Title- My Demonic Ghost: Banished Spirits
Series-My Demonic Ghost Book #1
By- Jacinta Maree
Genre- YA Paranormal/Ghosts
Published By- Staccato Publishing

Rachael has traveled to Whitehaven to visit her father, a trek she can not help but dread given his recent descent into madness. Upon her arrival she realizes his deterioration has not only been mental, it’s been physical as well. His death comes as no surprise, but what she discovers soon after, is shocking when his burden becomes hers.
Lock is a banished spirit who must attach himself to a human host in order to hide from those who would drag him back to hell to be destroyed. When he meets Rachael he finds more than a host, he finds an ally.
Together they must defeat each of the seven sins in order to guarantee Lock's safe passage into the Third Realm, a loophole in creation that would allow him to escape hell and have peace at long last. Through their unlikely friendship, other banished spirits flock to them in hopes of a peace they hadn't dreamt possible.

Book Info-
Title- My Demonic Ghost: The Reapers
Series- My Demonic Ghost # 2
By- Jacinta Maree
Genre- YA Paranormal/Ghosts
Published By- Staccato Publishing

The day you die is meant to be the end, but for 18 year old Jordon Hastings, his death was only the beginning.
In a dark and twisted world, lost spirits known as Reapers remain behind after death to help collect the spirits from the realm of the living. A new Reaper, Jordon struggles to accept his fate and lingers in the shadows of his mortal life. But when a demon wolf starts to live through his shadow, hunting his family and friends Jordon has no choice but to leave. As soon as he accepts his new role the truth behind the relationship between Reapers and Angelic Hunters is revealed. His loyalty is tested, making him choose between a corrupted God and a single Banished Spirit.


Welcome back to Worlds of Wonderment Jacinta!

Thank you, always so happy to be here.

How would you describe your My Demonic Ghost series to potential new readers?

I like to think that My Demonic Ghost is a unique telling of a classic demon vs angel story, it is open age so anyone can enjoy it and it’s an exciting mix between adventure, fear and romance. My Demonic Ghost follows the stories of three different spirits and one very unfortunate host, Rachael who is currently 15 years old in book one. Each book is written following the perspective of a different class, first we have Banished, then the Reapers and lastly we have the Hunters. It was really fun to write because each story has a completely different belief and different understanding of the other classes and the world around them, allowing the reader a fresh outlook with each book.

Does Hunters differ from the previous MDG books at all?

Book three: Hunters & Creators swings back to Rachael’s POV where she's entering her University life in a completely different setting from Whitehaven. Unlike Book one and two where we watch from the Demon’s side, this time Rachael chooses to help the angels and therefore opens up a completely different set of problems. Friends become enemies and enemies become friends, it completely turns the series on its own head. All of the characters are more mature and seeing as this is the last book, all of the unresolved problems and broken relationships have to come to a conclusion.

Banished, Reapers and Hunters & Creators are very a unique concept, how did you come up with the initial idea?

Well, the initial idea for the entire series came to me when I was in high school studying in my Philosophy class. My teacher was teaching us about Descartes and his theory of consciousness, which got my mind spinning up all these different possibilities about the unknown. The way I’ve broken up by the series in three books came to me as I wrote. Originally, Banished Spirits was on its own for a very long time before The Reapers had even started. Which made it increasingly difficult to interweave Reapers through Banished later on.

Did you find one book harder to write than another?

The Reapers was definitely the hardest book I had to write out of three. Mainly because I was speaking from a POV I never really practise, which is Jordon an 18 year old male turned Reaper. Secondly, I had to write Reapers in a way that it made sense as a stand-alone, but also worked as part of a series. Thirdly, Reapers’ timeline works before, during and after the first book, so timing scenes and character reappearances were incredibly difficult.
Banished Spirits was my initial inspiration outbreak and I didn’t have any plans for publication, so time limitations and other publication related stresses weren’t a concern. Hunters & Creators was stressful as I had to tie a very complicated story with complicated relationships together within a certain time frame and in a believable manner.

Evan (Lock) and Jordon didn't have the best home life, do you think it helped shape their characters as Banished and Reaper?

I think it is very important to see Evan’s/Lock’s life growing up, as it gives his reactions, his issues with trust and yearning to be accepted an even greater depth and understanding. We were lucky to not only be able to watch his childhood but to also see how that affects how he treats others and how he views himself. Along with the bad, there’s also the good with Locks’ and Rachael’s budding romance that transforms him away from his arrogance and selfish personality and into a loving and strong character. It’s also great to watch a character that was originally so small, weak and invisible have such an amazing impact on others in a positive way. Same with Jordon, his undying devotion to protect his brother spreads out to such an impressive scale that all creatures and spirits alike flock to his cause. Jordon’s love towards his brother becomes a beacon for others.

Hunters is your third book published, what have you learned about writing over the last few years?

I’ve learnt that there is a lot of work to do beyond publishing, like marketing and tours and give aways. Writing and publishing is just the beginning, I didn’t realise the amount of constant work that followed the publication. Not that I’m complaining, I love it. As I’m with Staccato Publishing, I am very fortunate as to have other authors around willing to help me. I’m still experimenting with finding my voice, so with every book I write my writing style changes a little bit.

Did you receive any advice in the beginning that has helped you write your books?

My first book was written purely for my own entertainment, and no one had read it until I decided to get it professionally edited. When it came to writing, I always wrote my own way and in my own style. Sure, my teachers taught me the basics of the English structure, but no one taught me how to write a story. I found my own way.

Is there anything you are currently working on that you can share with us?

I would love to, at this very moment I am writing a fantasy short story with a group of other amazing authors. I’ve also just finished my manuscript for a dystopian supernatural I’ve called Soulless, which revolves around a future where reincarnation exists. I’ve got a steampunk supernatural as well, called Time Weaver, which revolves around the idea of exchanging wishes for time. I’ve been quite busy.

Are there any other genres you'd like to write? If so, why?

I’m a big supernatural fan, but I also love dystopian and fantasy. I think the only genre I am yet to write properly would be horror. My long nights of horror movie marathons has definitely been great research, and I really think I would be able to write something incredibly scary.

Was there a reason you chose to write YA or was it just the way the story progressed?

Originally I wrote YA because of the character’s ages. Both were young and Lock was based off the character Casper the Friendly Ghost and Peter Pan, which are very playful, innocent and has a small hint of naivete. At the beginning of the novel I was tempted to change the characters and age them into young adulthood, but I feel that if I did that I would’ve lost a lot. I love the contrast between them and the world they live in. They are young and innocent but the world is dark and corrupted.

If any of your novels were picked up, what type of platform would you like them to be expanded on? E.g. movies, anime, games.

Umm… definitely a gaming platform. I’m a massive gamer so if any of my books were to be turned into games, I think I would pass out from my constant, high speech squealing. Alternatively, I’m a lover of animations, so even if it was turned into an animation movie like Monsters Inc, I would be very, very happy.

Favourite movie?

My favourite movie so far has been How to Train your Dragon. It’s a toss-up between movie 1 and 2.

Favourite book?

I loved the assassin series by Brent Weeks, so incredible.

Favourite holiday destination?

Hands down, Japan. I don’t know what it is but I love everything about their culture and life style.

Ice cream or chocolate?

Chocolate, of course. Chocolate would be my answer to really any food question.

About the Author-
Self confessed chocaholic, Jacinta was born and raised in Melbourne Australia with her loving family of five. Even as a child Jacinta had an itch to write. Writing was the one constant hobby she clung to, also trying her hand at piano, flute, tennis, horseback riding and drama.

Jacinta works full time in the family business and spends her afternoons either playing basketball, reading, writing or hanging out with friends. She is always happy to try something new; getting her real estate license, practicing ninjitshu, Zumba and parkour to name a few.

For her future, Jacinta sees herself writing. It is a large part of her identity and something she hopes to continue. Aside from her love of stories she loves Japan and its unique and beautiful culture and history. From their delicious sushi dishes right down to their wooden sandals and kimonos. She is also a huge cat person and loves to snuggle up in front of the fire for a good movie or book. Her favorite genres are paranormal and fantasy but she also loves anything written by thriller writer, Stephen King.

Social Media Links-

Giveaway Info-
1 hard copy My Demonic Ghost book 1
1 hard copy My demonic ghost book 2.
$5 amazon gift card.
A Key chain and magnet.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Series Review: My Demonic Ghost by Jacinta Maree

Title: My Demonic Ghost - Banished Spirits
Author: Jacinta Maree
Age Group: Young Adult
Release Date: 23rd July 2012
Publishers: Staccato Publishing

Rating: 5 stars

Available from: Amazon AU 
Source: Author

Rachael has traveled to Whitehaven to visit her father, a trek she can not help but dread given his recent descent into madness. Upon her arrival she realizes his deterioration has not only been mental, it’s been physical as well. His death comes as no surprise, but what she discovers soon after, is shocking when his burden becomes hers. 

Lock is a banished spirit who must attach himself to a human host in order to hide from those who would drag him back to hell to be destroyed. When he meets Rachael he finds more than a host, he finds an ally. 

Together they must defeat each of the seven sins in order to guarantee Lock's safe passage into the Third Realm, a loophole in creation that would allow him to escape hell and have peace at long last. Through their unlikely friendship, other banished spirits flock to them in hopes of a peace they hadn't dreamt possible.


Jacinta Maree has created an engrossing and inventive series with My Demonic Ghost. It's a refreshing YA series and such a unique take on the afterlife.

Book one, Banished Spirits centers around Rachael and Lock. An unlikely pair who are thrown together with the death of Rachael's father. After a rocky start they slowly begin to trust each other. Rachael is young, brave and selfless. After hearing Lock's story and the world he, and now she, lives in, she decides to help him. I'm not sure I'd be so forgiving and understanding in her position. She probably agrees a little too quickly, but after seeing her father deteriorate I think she wants to be free of Lock as soon as possible. Lock is very disgruntled and petulant, and he doesn't treat Rachael very well. I didn't like how he always told Rachael how unimportant she was. Although, as the story progresses I began to understand that he just wanted to be accepted and free. He's been beaten down, but I loved watching him strive to be a better person. 

Banished Spirits is creepy and imaginative, each of the seven deadly sins are described in detail and they are definitely horrifying. The world Maree has created is dark and unforgiving. You might want to leave the lights on for this one.

Title: My Demonic Ghost - The Reapers
Author: Jacinta Maree
Age Group: Young Adult
Release Date: 17th September 2013
Publishers: Staccato Publishing

Rating: 5 stars

Available from: Amazon AU 
Source: Author

The day you die is meant to be the end, but for 18 year old Jordon Hastings, his death was only the beginning. 

In a dark and twisted world, lost spirits known as Reapers remain behind after death to help collect the spirits from the realm of the living. A new Reaper, Jordon struggles to accept his fate and lingers in the shadows of his mortal life. But when a demon wolf starts to live through his shadow, hunting his family and friends Jordon has no choice but to leave. As soon as he accepts his new role the truth behind the relationship between Reapers and Angelic Hunters is revealed. His loyalty is tested, making him choose between a corrupted God and a single Banished Spirit.


The second installment in Jacinta Maree's My Demonic Ghost series, The Reapers is just as captivating as book one. The Reapers is set before and during Banished Spirits, and in this book, we follow Jordon and his journey as a Reaper. In this book we get a bigger view of the incredible world Maree has created. I was quite sad when I found out who Jordon was and how he related to Lock. Jordon finds it difficult to assimilate to his new life and drifts through his previous life. His demon wolf, Raix, doesn't help matters. They are bonded and are supposed to carry souls to what is classed as hell. Raix isn't fond of his new master and defies Jordon every chance he gets. 

The Reapers immerses you in suspense and being able to see a wider view of the different realms Maree has created keeps you glued to the pages. Some characters from Banished Spirits make and appearance, and you get to see how their stories and worlds intersect. Lock started something big and now Jordon has created his own rebellion. There are a lot of twists and turns, and everything flows together very well. I loved reading how Jordon finally realises he can help so many other souls, banished and reaper alike. It gets very interesting when he accepts who he now is. Maree has an amazing ability to draw you into her world and make you feel for her characters. I am looking forward to the final installment in the My Demonic Ghost series, Hunters.