One of my favourite indie authors Airicka Phoenix, has a cover reveal for the second book in her Touch series Touching Fire! I love this woman and her books so much, if you haven't read her yet you need to! I am so excited to see where Fallon & Isaiah's story is going. How pretty is the cover? LOVE his eyes.
Book Name: Touching
Author: Airicka
Series: Touch Saga,
book 2
Publisher: Airicka
Release date: June,
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal
Warnings: Strong
language and mild sexual content
Formats: ebook &
Touching Fire Synopsis
Fallon’s on the run again, but this time, she’s not alone and she has a direction — she’s going to meet the man whose blood runs through her veins, the only man who can finally tell her who… what she is and why Garrison wants her so badly. But the truth may be more than she can handle when she falls from one world into another, one that shouldn’t exist and learns truths about herself that she may wish she never knew.
Faced with a reality so beyond comprehension, Fallon must accept the destiny she’s given because Garrison will stop at nothing to insure the success of The Amalie Project, even if he must do the unthinkable and become just like Fallon.
Touch Vengeance. Touch Malice. Touch Fire.
Other Novels:
Touching Smoke (Touch
Series, book 1) ebook -
Touching Smoke (Touch
Series, Book 1) Paperback -
Touching Eternity (Touch
Series Beginning) ebook -
Games of Fire (ebook) -
Games of Fire (paperback) -
Touching Eternity
(Touch Series Beginning) Paperback -
Whispered Beginnings:
A Clever Fiction Anthology (ebook) -
Whispered Beginnings:
A Clever Fiction Anthology (Paperback) -
Midnight Surrender
Anthology (ebook) -
Midnight Surrender
Anthology (Paperback) -
Twitter (@AirickaPhoenix) -!/AirickaPhoenix
GoodRead -
Pinsterest -
Author Site -
He was still waiting when I joined
him again, composed. He stood with his back against the wall, his hands lost
deep into the folds of his pockets. He was studying his shoes, his hair falling
in thick fringes over his eyes. Those blue eyes rose, crystalline pools of
electricity, and met mine, and my world stopped. My breath stopped. My heart
would have stopped if it wasn’t drumming a tempo of pure elation at the sight
of him. It ached, so desperate for the need to be closer. God, it was never
close enough. I could crawl into him, burrow into his soul and it wouldn’t be
I took a step closer, as unsteady as
a new born calf. He caught my hand, reeled me to him without ever pushing away
from the wall. I was pulled into the space between his feet, held there as he
bent my arm and twisted it around my own waist. I was pressed into him, his
thighs hard against mine. I felt his heartbeat through the fingertips he traced
over the curve of my cheek.
“Stop touching me,” I gasped,
cotton-mouthed, half-crazed by the possibility that he might take me seriously.
“Why?” His breath fanned over my dry
and already parted lips.
I opened my eyes, surprised to find
them closed. “Because I won’t want you to stop.”
The band of steel around my waist
tightened until I was supported only by him, by his arm, his chest, his heat, his
scent… God, I was home! My fingers curled into the soft material of his fresh,
clean shirt. He must have changed, but it was yet another black t-shirt.
“I can’t.” His lips wrote each word
against mine in the caress of butterfly wings.
My bones liquefied. I nearly
“Why?” The single word was a mere
movement of my lips.
His free hand shackled my chin,
guided my face up, held me prisoner to eyes much too animal to be human.
“Because I don’t want to stop.”
If there was ever any possibility of
remembering to breathe, it was gone. I was barely conscious, barely even sane
as I sunk into blissful madness cured only by his lips… his touch.
“Touch me!” My desperate plea was
met with a fierce growl.
His eyes, dark, feral, bore into
mine. “Not here!”
I opened my mouth to protest, to
beg, but his finger against my lips became a barricade, trapping the words on
my tongue.
“Don’t!” he hissed. His finger drew
back, traced the curve of my bottom lip. His eyes followed the slow caress the
way a cat watches a canary. “I can’t promise I’m completely in control right
Author Bio

For more about Airicka, also on how to win giveaways, read author interviews and reviews, visit her website at:
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! It's always so wonderful to have you be a part of one of my events. <3