Welcome to Worlds of Wonderment,
Thanks for
inviting me, Jo-Anne.
You have a couple of YA titles that have been
released, for those who haven't read your books can you tell us about them?
I’d love to.
The first two books I wrote were YA novels: Making
the Most of It and djmAx.
Making the Most of It was loosely based on my own teenage
years. I swam for Australia for four years through ages 14 to 18. I won a
silver medal in the 200m Backstroke at the 1978 Commonwealth Games, captained
the women’s swim team to the 1980 Moscow Games (I was in Year 11) and won a
couple of gold medals in the 100m and 200m Backstroke at the 1982 Brisbane Commonwealth
Games. In 1983, I retired and went to work in the media.
In the late
‘90’s, the publisher of children’s books at Hodder Headline (now Hachette) read
an article about me in the Sydney Morning Herald and called to ask if I’d think
about writing a book for teenagers about those experiences. That surprised me
because I’d gone to an Olympic Games that no one wanted to talk about and
performed in a way I totally wanted to forget (all the details in my
non-fiction book, Boycott). But, by
the time Belinda called, I’d been scratching out ideas for a story in my
journal about a child prodigy who doesn’t quite live up to expectations (mostly
her own). I always thought the prodigy in my story was a piano player or
someone really gifted. Belinda’s request to place it in the sporting world
was perfect (and obvious) since swimming for Australia is one of the more
extreme experiences a teenager can have in this country. And that was before
money came into the sport! Even though other countries were finding ways around
the rule that said the Olympic Games were for amateur athletes (ie not paid
professionals), the Australian Swimming Union would have considered me
ineligible to compete if I’d accepted any form of sponsorship or endorsement.
So Making the Most of It is a
coming-of-age story about a girl called Nina Hallet who has similar experiences
to mine except she competes in this modern sports world. Nina is a much better
swimmer than I was; when she goes to the Olympic Games she’s a world record
holder with the opportunity to set herself up, financially, for life. How does
she cope with the fame, with the pressure? How does it affect her family and
friends? And what is success anyway?

I like the idea of your book being set around a circus and its ancient beginnings, how did you come up with the idea?
Jo-Anne. Inheritance is inspired by
my niece, Indi, who has been a circus girl in Wollongong for many years, by a
series of books I loved when I was a teenager about Trixie Belden and her team
of super-sleuths, the Bob-Whites, and by the books I’ve been reading with my
son, who is now ten, like Deltora Quest, Harry Potter (of course, although I’d
read them before he came along), Percy Jackson and the Eragon series.
I started by
tracing the etymology of the word circus. It came to use via Latin from the
Greek word kirkos. I started putting those two words together, threw into the
mix the famous circus in Ancient Rome, Circus Maximus, and came up with the
word Cirkulatti – and began to create a myth around an ancient magical circus
troupe, led by a woman, the Eminence, who it was rumoured could whisper to the
minds of the crowds she and her Cirkulatti entertained. I imagined her walking
into the great ancient hippodromes, high on stilts as the acrobats, jugglers
and clowns fanned out around her. I imagined that if this circus troupe was so
popular then the leaders of these ancient civilisations would covet the
Eminence and the Cirkulatti, want it on-side, if you like, so there was a
tradition of rulers honouring the ascendance of each new eminence with a
trinket, a piece of jewellery that eventually became known as the Curios of the
The more I
got into it the more I liked the idea of the circus harbouring these characters
of very unusual ‘gifts.’ That’s pretty much what defines the circuses I’ve
seen, and attracts us to them I think – that combination of beauty, grace and
power, with a strong streak of individual kookiness. Inheritance takes that to
another level! I’ve always loved the trail that happens when a twirling hula
hoop and the stage lights combine – I want to follow that trail. With
Inheritance, I got to do that.
Can you tell us a little about the main
character Tallulah?
Tallulah is your
regular good girl; an only child whose never been allowed to take her
privileged life for granted. But her whole world has been thrown upside-down
when the book opens. Her father’s property business has collapsed; she and her
parents are moving from the city where she’s lived all her life, back to
Seacliff, the town of their childhood. Their change in finances also means that
Tallulah’s lost her nanny, and confidante of seven years, Irena, the woman who
she has shared all her secrets with including the one big one – she has an
ability to communicate with others without speaking. So she’s feeling pretty
lost. The only good to come from the mess is that, to help her fit into her new
environment, her parents have finally relented and allowed her to go to a
proper circus school in Seacliff, one that Irena found for Tallulah before she
left. But looking for some reassurance
the night before circus school begins, Tallulah decides to examine a bit more
closely a piece of jewellery, a silver cuff, that Irena left with her for safe
keeping. Far from reassuring her, she’s
confronted by a freakish vision of a woman, a warrior, a leader of
extraordinary ability and Tallulah’s journey through Inheritance is to discover
what connection, if any, the woman has to her.
What kind of things does Tallulah have to face
in Inheritance?
Everything I
could possibly throw at her!
The loss of
Irena, along with the fear that her nanny hasn’t just gone away but
disappeared, is a huge problem for her. So is the effort to keep up at Cirque
d’Avenir which she quickly discovers is no regular circus school. The exacting physical demands of Cirque
d’Avenir trainer, Sasha Robinson and the crushing insecurity she feels around
Sasha’s sister, Saskia, require her to call on all that Irena has ever taught
her – and then some. And Tallulah has to get beyond her own expectation that
the circus would be the family she’s always yearned for. Instead, she finds
it’s a group of highly talented, some very competitive individuals; who’s on
whose side, Tallulah can never really be sure, let alone where friends, if any,
may emerge. Then there are the perils that the cuff reveals – scary yet
compelling all at once. And the growing feeling that someone or something is
looking for the cuff and that she will have to protect it physically if she is
to honour her promise to her missing friend.
Do you think there are similarities between
yourself and Tallulah?
Well, they say there is a little bit of the author in each
of her characters. Sadly I don’t have Tallulah’s unique gift! But I hope she’s
the girl we’d all like to be: one with unique abilities, who is humble and
gracious and willing to think the best of everyone around her until given very
good reasons not to. It’s probably fair to say that, like me, like all of us,
she must grapple with enormous potential and what to do with it. It takes a lot
of courage for women to step up and be who we are meant to be, to stay true to
ourselves while being part of a group, be they friends or family – whether
you’re 15 or 50. There are all sorts of forces that try to influence us, that
shake our belief in ourselves, and it takes a strong mind and a big heart (and
good friends) to get to where we want to go.
What was the most interesting thing you learnt
while researching Inheritance?
Learning about Theodora, the amazing empress of the Holy
Roman Eastern Empire in the mid-500’s.
I started writing
Inheritance with a fictional eminence; then I was reading E.H Gombrich’s,
‘Little History of the World’ and read about this woman who rose from the
circus to rule as an equal with her husband, Justinian, something that was
unheard of back then. Justinian changed
laws in order to marry a woman from a much lower class. The circus link, the
reports of her popularity among the people and her advancements she made for
women of the time were just too good to ignore.
Writing the flashback scenes s was fun because I’d been to
Istanbul in the late-80’s, when I was a roving reporter on Ray Martin’s Midday
Show; the teaming mix of east-meets-west of Istanbul was a mere echo of what it
must have been like in the decadent, voluptuous Constantinople of Theodora’s
But of Theodora I only had an internet image of the famous
mosaics in the Basilica San Vitale in Ravenna. Last year, after working at the
London Games for Foxtel, my husband and son and I went to Ravenna to finally
meet ‘her.’ The small ‘old town’ of Ravenna itself was gorgeous but the
basilica was breathtaking. A small, hexagonal church with pink marble columns
that include the two famous panels of mosaics on the apse side walls of
Theodora and Justinian. If as they say, the mosaics were inspired by the beauty
of the woman herself, then she really must have been exquisite.
If you could spend summer anywhere in the world,
where would it be and why?
Well, I like it really hot so that southern Mediterranean
from Spain all the way around the coast of Turkey is where I would like to
spend more time. I could happily traipse around ancient ruins for the day and
fall into the Mediterranean (or the hotel pool) at the end of the day. And of
course, yummy food. And after living in the past, come right back to the
present with some great shopping.
What's up next for you and your books?
Well, I’m in the middle of a short course on Ancient Women
in the Mediterranean and the Near East. I’m not only enjoying learning about
the women (Queen/Priestess Pu-Abi of Ur, Mesopotamia, 2600 BC – you should see
her jewellery!) and goddesses but letting my imagination roam over times and
places that Tallulah and the gang might get to next. I never stop reading other
author’s great books and thinking, ‘hmm, I wonder if I could do that.’ I’m on a
panel with Rebecca James at the Southern Highland’s Writers’ Festival, mid-July
(last weekend of the school holidays if anyone wants to come and say hi), and
after reading her books I said to my husband the other day, ‘I’ve got this idea
for a psychological thriller.’ He just rolled his eyes. And I’ve got a ten year
old son who says, ‘Mum, you should write a story about …’ But before I can say
OK (his ideas are good) he shakes his head and says, ‘Oh, no, I like that idea,
you can’t have that.’ So who knows where
I’ll be or what I’ll have written the next time we speak!
Cirkulatti: a person descended from circus performers of the ancient world, rumoured to have supernatural gifts...
Tallulah has always known she was different. She can communicate without speaking, a secret she shares only with her childhood nanny, Irena, who warns Tallulah that gifts like hers are not always welcome.
When Tallulah begins training at the prestigious Cirque d′Avenir school, it soon becomes clear the troupe is not all that it seems. As Tallulah is drawn deeper into a world of dark, ancient powers and centuries-old greed, she must call on the skills Irena taught her -- and on the protection of the mysterious cuff Irena gave her for safekeeping.
But what is the secret of the power the cuff holds? And why are men willing to die to possess it? Tallulah always knew her gift was dangerous... But will it stop her from accepting her true inheritance?
Tallulah has always known she was different. She can communicate without speaking, a secret she shares only with her childhood nanny, Irena, who warns Tallulah that gifts like hers are not always welcome.
When Tallulah begins training at the prestigious Cirque d′Avenir school, it soon becomes clear the troupe is not all that it seems. As Tallulah is drawn deeper into a world of dark, ancient powers and centuries-old greed, she must call on the skills Irena taught her -- and on the protection of the mysterious cuff Irena gave her for safekeeping.
But what is the secret of the power the cuff holds? And why are men willing to die to possess it? Tallulah always knew her gift was dangerous... But will it stop her from accepting her true inheritance?
Lisa Forrest is an author, TV and radio broadcaster and Olympian.
Her first career, as a teenager, was swimming backstroke for Australia. In 1978 when she was 14 she won a silver medal at the Commonwealth Games in Edmonton, Canada; she captained the women's swim team to the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow; and in 1982 won gold medals at the 1982 Commonwealth Games in Brisbane, Australia.
Her first career, as a teenager, was swimming backstroke for Australia. In 1978 when she was 14 she won a silver medal at the Commonwealth Games in Edmonton, Canada; she captained the women's swim team to the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow; and in 1982 won gold medals at the 1982 Commonwealth Games in Brisbane, Australia.
I have one paperback copy of Inheritance to giveaway. All you have to do is leave a comment telling me why you would run away and join the circus! Giveaway is international* and ends July 7th at 12pm my time.
*If you are an international winner it may take me a little longer to get the book to you.
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